Alicio i Underlandet

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"EU-utvidgning ingen stötesten"

EUobserver har analyserat folkomröstningarna om EU-konstitutionen i Frankrike och Nederländerna. Slutsatsen är att motstånd till utvidgning av unionen inte var ett avgörande skäl till nejsidans seger. Detta i motsats till de slutsatser som EU-politikerna själva dragit, skriver tidningen:

But EU politicians' rhetoric since the referendums three weeks ago has led to speculation about whether Turkey's and the Western Balkans' membership bids are to be put on ice.

Last week, European Commission president Jose Manuel Barroso said there needed to be time for debate on Turkey following the referendums indicating that the French and Dutch voters had said no due to fears about Turkey.

"We should discuss seriously the signal that was sent by the electorate regarding Turkey," said Mr Barroso.