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Palestinian security forces salute during a training session in the West Bank city of Tulkarm February 1, 2005. The White House on Monday backed efforts by Palestinian Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas to negotiate a cease-fire with militants, but said he would ultimately need to disarm the groups. REUTERS/Abed Omar Qusini
Invanda tankemönster sitter i: Fatah Jugend.

Palestinian security forces salute during a training session in the West Bank city of Tulkarm February 1, 2005. The White House on Monday backed efforts by Palestinian Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas to negotiate a cease-fire with militants, but said he would ultimately need to disarm the groups. REUTERS/Abed Omar Qusini
Invanda tankemönster sitter i: Fatah Jugend.
What are they chanting? Sieg Allah! ???
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