Alicio i Underlandet

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Power Line utnämnd till 'Årets Blog 2004'

TIME Magazine motiverar utnämnandet av gruppbloggen Power Line — en av dem som först avslöjade de falska CBS-dokumenten och som länge har funnits i min länklista i vänsterspalten — till Årets Blogg 2004 så här:

TIME also names Power Line its Blog of the Year. “Before this year, blogs were a curiosity, a cult phenomenon, a faintly embarrassing hobby on the order of ham radio and stamp collecting. But in 2004, blogs unexpectedly vaulted into the pantheon of major media, alongside TV, radio and, yes, magazines, and it was Power Line, more than any other blog, that got them there,” writes TIME’s Lev Grossman. See separate press release.

Power Line is the brainchild of two Minneapolis-based lawyers John Hinderaker and Scott Johnson and Washington, D.C.-based lawyer Paul Mirengoff. “My view,” Johnson says, “is that the mainstream media has acted as a means to obscure, as a kind of filter, a lens that makes it impossible to understand what’s going on in reality. We try to provide something that brings people closer to reality,” he tells TIME.

Skribenterna bakom Power Line berättar om "hur det känns".