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ISM anklagas för att ha giftmördat Arafat

Alltmedan TT rapar upp de palestinska förgiftningsanklagelserna mot Israel som om de vore fakta, så har de som stod Arafat nära ändrat ljud i skällan för länge sedan.

Arafats kabinettsekreterare Ahmed Abdelrahman som dokumenterade Arafats hälsotillstånd, påstår till nyhetsbyrån AFP att Arafat troligen har förgiftats. Men inte av Israel, utan av en grupp fredsaktivister som hälsade på ledaren den 25:e september. De kom tillsammans med föräldrarna till Rachel Corrie ― den amerikanska ISM-medlemmen som dödades i en bulldozerolycka i Gazaremsan:

"Something strange happened to Arafat around a year ago. It was on September 25, 2003...," Ahmed Abdelrahman told the London-based Al-Hayat newspaper. "The president shook hands with around 30 people before leaving to vomit. It was from that moment that the president's health started slowly deteriorating," he explained Monday [...]

"Arafat shook hands with people, who had come to express solidarity with him in his confinement. They were a mixture of Palestinians, foreigners and Israelis," Arafat's former cabinet secretary recalled. "'Could it be that they got to me?', Arafat asked himself. He also said: 'Is it possible that 10 doctors can't find out what I'm suffering from?'".

"The president was exposed to something, and I'm inclined to believe it was maybe gas or something else. I don't know about all the types of poisons, but there are some 700 that are unknown," Abdelrahman said.

On September 25, Arafat received a visit from a group of cyclists from around the world on a peace mission as well as from a group of activists accompanying the parents of a US peace activist who had died six months earlier crushed by an Israeli bulldozer in the southern Gaza Strip.
De franska läkarna som vårdade Arafat har intygat att han inte bar några spår på förgiftning.

(via Backspin)