Alicio i Underlandet

Kommentarer till aktuella utrikes och inrikes händelser inom politik och media


10 skäl och mer för Bush

Missa absolut inte Tysklands och Europas största tidning BILD, som presenterar 10 intressanta och välformulerade skäl till att dagens amerikanska president George W. Bush bör fortsätta och avsluta det viktiga arbete han har inlett. Läs översättningen nedan (via LGF):
1. Bush has clear priorities. He sees the inhuman Islamic fundamentalism and the murderous mullahs as the largest danger for the Western world.

2. Bush has learned the lessons of history. Military strength, not pleasant talk, is the only thing that helps against violent fanatics. And with Bush — unlike with Kerry — there is no doubt about this.

3. Under Bush, the US, as a superpower, will continue to bear the financial, military and casualty burden in the fight against terrorism in a “holy war” which Islamic fanatics unilaterally declared.

4. Along with fighting terror and the terrorists, a re-elected Bush will do everything he can to prevent nuclear proliferation. That is especially true with regard to the nuclear ambitions of Iran and North Korea.

5. Bush has learned that America can defeat every country in war, but needs allies in peace. Thus, his second term will be characterized by cooperation with international partners. But he will not depend on how Syria or Libya vote at the UN.

6. Bush knows that Europe and Germany don’t have the military at their disposal to become involved in any further foreign military engagements. Therefore he won’t ask them for help. Kerry will do exactly that — and will further burden already damaged German-American relations.

7. Under Bush, America will remain a reliable partner for Israel in its fight for survival. That must especially be in our German interest.

8. Republicans have always been stronger supporters of free trade than Democrats. That is also true of Bush when compared to Kerry. And that is good for Germany as an export nation.

9. Every new American administration makes mistakes. Bush has already made his. Kerry, on the other hand, has of yet held no (executive) position in the government. He would be worse prepared than most Presidents preceding him.

10. With Bush, we know what to expect. With Kerry, nobody knows what he stands for and where he wants to lead America — and the world.

Och som en fortsättning på gårdagens inlägg ("
Folkpartiet hoppas på Kerry. Moderaterna på Bush") där folkpartiet förespråkade Kerry som nästa amerikanske president, har nu turen kommit till moderaternas utrikespolitiske talesman Gunilla Carlsson att i Sydsvenskan förklara varför Bush borde bli omvald.


Blogger S skrev...

I totally agree with the 10 points. Well done!

3:21 em  
Anonymous Anonym skrev...

BILD, LGF och Gunilla Carlsson! Du dricker verkligen ur förgiftade brunnar.

Bengt O.

10:49 em  
Blogger Alicio skrev...

Men i övrigt instämmer du i deras argument, alltså?


11:28 em  
Anonymous Anonym skrev...

LGF förgiftad brunn? Pffft.

5:27 fm  
Blogger Alicio skrev...

Little Green Footballs vann Washington Posts 2004 ars Bästa Internationella Blog och fick ett hedersomnämnande i kategorin Mest Originella.

"Förgiftad brunn"?

3:57 em  

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