Alicio i Underlandet

Kommentarer till aktuella utrikes och inrikes händelser inom politik och media


"När ska FN ingripa mot koalitionen?"

När kommer sanktionerna mot 'skurkstaterna' USA, Storbritannien, Australien och de andra länderna som deltog i kriget i Irak? Hur kunde de tillåtas att bryta mot FN:s stadgar ostraffat? Varför avgick inte Kofi Annan när han såg hur FN:s fundament våldtogs av koalitionen ?

Detta är frågor som Mellanösternexperten, journalisten och författaren
Amir Taheri ställer apropå Kofi Annans stämpling av Irakkriget som "olagligt". Men han nöjer sig inte bara med att fråga:
‘If, on the other hand, he is making these accusations just to look good, he must know that he is destroying the little that is left of the U.N.'s credibility. How can an organization, whose chief executive accuses the principal members of its board of violating its charter with impunity, be taken seriously? Why didn't Annan resign when he clearly saw that the U.N. Charter was being violated by a group of "rogue states" led by America? And why, if the toppling of Saddam was illegal, is the U.N. helping consolidate regime change in Iraq by supervising elections for a new government? Annan knows damn well that the toppling of Saddam was perfectly legal.

The action taken by the United States and its allies was backed by no fewer than 12 mandatory Security Council resolutions. In any case, Saddam's Iraq had been at war against the U.N., the only state ever to be in that position, since 1990.

Yesterday, Annan's aides were trying to pretend that he had not quite meant what he had told the BBC, and thus there was no need for him to take action against the alleged "law-breaking" nations. The truth is that the U.N. is in the biggest mess it has ever been in since its inception over half a century ago. Annan's latest maneuver cannot but make the mess even bigger than it is.’

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